Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tea Party insult

The protests going on today are an insult to our forefathers. The Boston tea party was to protest the tax levied on tea and other goods by a foreign government which did not give the people a say (i.e. not democratic) in the taxes paid, nor did they BENEFIT from the taxes paid to the English government. I understand if you don't like the stimulus plans, but the majority of people in this nation elected a president and congress that is making these stimulus packages. This means you voiced your opinion and it was heard (your vote was counted). Also, the stimulus package is intended to benefit you and everyone else- it's not like it's going into the pockets of some communist leader.
My point is, protest the stimulus package if you feel wronged by it, but don't liken it to the great Boston Tea Party where the people were protesting being taxed by a government they didn't elect, that spent the tax revenue in a market and to people that didn't benefit the taxpayers that paid it. These tea party protests today are an insult to the momentous protest in Boston so many years ago.

Which brings me to those of you protesting the stimulus packages. Let's think about this logically. We are in a downswing of the capitalist system- the free market is like that, it cycles up and down. So all of you free market capitalists out there are saying "let's do nothing, let the market take its course." The people saying this are the same people who's jobs are still intact and have no danger of losing their homes and being able to take care of their families. All the families that find themselves living on the street recently are not the ones saying let the market follow the natural cycle. When you get laid off and default on your mortgage and are living on the street, will you still say let the market be? I think not. Nor will you be happy about the value of your home plummeting because half your neighborhood is vacant. You won't be happy when those vacant house are invaded by squatters- who can't shower because the water is shut off- and start breaking into your house to steal food or goods to sell for food.
Face it- we do not live in a true "free market capitalist" society, and nobody wants to if they take the time to think about it. If it weren't for the "socialist" leanings of our government, our nation would be in much more trouble than it is now. We would be importing all of our milk and paying over $10 a gallon for it because all our dairy farmers would have gone out of business long ago had the government not established price floors on milk. New York City would be a bigger cesspool of homelessness than it is now because nobody would be able to afford to live there had the government not established price caps on rent. Were it not for anti monopoly laws and government regulation, the financial industry would be ruled by companies like AIG and Enron, led by over paid executives with no accountability or incentive to do well, and siphoning millions of dollars off for their own pockets.
Lastly, let's not forget that tax revenue for the government comes from businesses too, unless they set up an offshore account to dump the money in to evade taxes. There are many reports available (i'm too irritated to post links, do your own damn homework) showing how little tax giant corporations pay because of all the loopholes like offshore accounts. You want to have a little tea party and refuse to pay your taxes? Why don't you protest the tax evasion loopholes in current tax law for giant corporations? Not to mention I did my taxes already, and I received a tax cut from the stimulus package- I haven't seen one single tax cut over the past 8 years of republican leadership (other than the one refund check). On top of that, because I'm financially responsible and purchased a house, I had to pay for my and my wife's schooling (with help from my parents)- no Pell grant was available to me after Bush cut Pell grant funding and defined my mortgage payment as an asset (I understand the equity in my house is an asset, but there isn't that much equity. If you bought a $122,000 home like me, and had only a couple thousand in equity, your Pell grant qualification was denied on the basis that you had an $122,000 asset, not $8000 asset and a $116,000 liability.) My point being that not only did the Republican Bush administration never cut my taxes, but they screwed me over and didn't want me to get an education. So what's to complain about with these pathetic "tea parties"?

Quit listening to the Sean Hannity's of the world and do your own research. Try to realize that the Sean Hannity's of the world are more concerneed with their ratings than actually telling the truth, and the whole truth. Their ratings go up by telling partial truths and twisted truths to incite right wing emotions during a left wing presidency. Just to reiterate, do some research before you go out and insult our forefathers.

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